Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Rockubot is the sterilizing robot that can destroy germs throughout your home

Even if you’ve never been germaphobic, events in recent weeks have probably made you a lot more conscious of bacteria, airborne viruses, and contaminants of every size, shape, and variety. From countertops to sofas, beds to carpets, even those beloved stuffed animals, they’re all likely chock full of more microscopic creepy crawlies and pathogens than we ever realize.

Before you start panicking that everything is contagious or dangerous to the health of your household, there are steps you can take to calm the fears. One valid approach would be to confront the germs head-on — and the Rockubot Sterilizing Robot can be one heck of a soldier in your war against the unclean.

The Rockubot is equipped with ultraviolet (UV-C) lights that kill 99.9 percent of all bacteria and germs as well as ultrasonic wave emitters that dust mites hiding deep in materials at a microscopic level. Just set the Rockubot down on your bed, furniture or chosen surface and it gets to work, using its 24 sensors to smart-map the area and avoid obstacles and cliffs while methodically eliminating all allergens and irritants in its path as it disinfects and sterilizes.

The unit also has a manual mode to allow for handheld cleaning of virtually any item. It’s perfect for any mom or dad who wants to make sure all their kids' pillows, blankets, clothes, toys and more are safe and cootie-free.

The compact Rockubot weighs in at just about a pound, so it slides easily into a suitcase or travel bag for any road trips.

While it may be tempting to keep Rockbot rampaging through your home 24/7/365, it’s also equipped to pull extra duty as a 5,000mAh battery to charge up your other devices, including Qi-compatible phones, tablets, and smartwatches that charge wirelessly. It can also serve as a Bluetooth speaker, so you can even blast some Metallica as Rockubot tirelessly and mercilessly eradicates any threat it faces.

Regularly $129, you can check out the bacteria killer that garnered more than $80,000 in Kickstarter funding for almost 25 percent off, just $99.95.


ROCKUBOT: Sterilizing Robot - $99.95

Get the deal for $99.95


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