Friday, 3 April 2020

Maker Update's COVID-19 response edition

Since its launch three years ago, Donald Bell's Maker Update has been one of my favorite weekly YouTube...well, maker updates. I always find inspiring projects, tool reviews, and tips of interest.

As you can imagine, more COVID-19 maker response content has been showing up on the show. This week, almost all of the episode is dedicated to maker responses to the pandemic.

There's a project for building a Raspberry Pi-powered soap dispenser that plays 20 seconds of Spotify to time proper hand washing, the MIT's $100 open source ventilator, face shield design improvements, and a ventilator mask made from snorkeling gear. There is also news of a virus pom pom tutorial (to make COVID-19 more warm and fuzzy for the kids?), a timely video on safe tools for kids, and two virtual event calendars (one from MIT, one from Hackaday).

Image: YouTube


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