Friday, 3 April 2020

Save $70 on this secondary monitor that you can add to any laptop

Even if you don’t miss much else about the office right now, there's a good chance your home laptop is making you nostalgic for the added efficiency of that pair of monitors on your desk at work to spread out your workflow.

There’s no telling how long the new normal may continue to be the new normal, so it’s worth considering who to best replicate some of your favorite productivity aids in your new, more mobile setting. You can start with the Mobile Pixels DUEX Pro Portable Dual Monitor, which offers up the complete second screen experience for a laptop in a way that feels 100 percent organic and compatible with how most of us work.

Created by a pair of MIT students and launched with $1 million in IndieGoGo funding, the DUEX uses magnetic adhesives to clip seamlessly to the back of your laptop monitor. With a sliding, 270-degree rotation and a simple USB connection, users just shift the screen to the side and they have a working dual-screen desktop.

With studies showing the dual monitor format boosting productivity by over 40 percent, the DUEX can be an absolute game-changer for those whose fingers routinely outpace their computer’s ability to keep up.

When not in use, the lightweight and durable DUEX slides back into position behind your primary monitor, so it always remains protected, even during transport.

In addition to adding a second full HD-capable 1080p monitor to your work environment, the screen can also be turned 180 degrees into presentation mode. Whether you’re making a sales pitch, leading your team or just showing someone a funny video, the DUEX is a handy and convenient alternative to everyone huddling around one small laptop screen.

This super-cool add-on to your current laptop setup is usually $249.99, but if you purchase the DUEX now and enter the code SAVEDUEXPRO during checkout, you can knock over $70 off the total, bring your take-home price down to just $179.35.


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