Saturday, 25 April 2020

This online training bundle contains valuable lifehack lessons

While all the gloom and doom of our COVID-19 quarantine realities can definitely put a damper on life as we know it, all this time spent at home doesn’t have to go to waste.

As the world tries to slow the spread of the virus, this would also be a good time to slow down a bit yourself and take a little personal stock. Odds are, there’s some area, or possible, multiple areas of your pre-lockdown life that could use addressing — and you’ll find no better roadmap to getting all those deficiencies on track than the training in The Ultimate Life Hacker Master Class Bundle.

This collection features 11 courses featuring 44 hours of instruction all aimed at striking the work-life-productivity-efficiency balance that we all seek.

If your career could use some work, four courses here will help you bolster those professional aspirations.  Create Your Dream Job: Hack the Job Search and Skip the Ladder teaches some of the most powerful, simple techniques used by some of the world’s most successful people, while The Complete Presentation and Public Speaking Course covers how to give great speeches for both business and personal presentations.

Branding You: How to Build Your Multimedia Internet Empire examines the Branding You™ Strategy, a paradigm for creating and managing media that drives traffic; and The Complete Job Interviewing Skills Master Class Course prepares you to walk into the job interview of your dreams and absolutely crush it.

If maybe your productivity and organizational skills need some attention, the Productivity Master Class: How to Powerfully Get Things Done can help you dig in on a 4-step framework for immediately getting more done towards your goals. Meanwhile, 30-Day Challenge: Boost Your Productivity & Happiness features 30 life-improving exercises; and Become a Speed Demon: Productivity Tricks to Have More Time teaches cutting-edge tips and tricks to blaze through the day's most time-intensive activities, freeing up time for doing what you want to do.

Of course, you can’t neglect self-improvement as part of the bettering yourself equation. Health and Nutrition Master Class offers three steps toward a 30-day health transformation; and Active Listening: A Practical Guide to Being an Active Listener teaches how to greatly improve your communication skills and set you apart from your peers.

Finally, both Become a SuperLearner 2: Learn Speed Reading & Boost Memory and 5 Day Memory Mastery: Learn to Memorize Anything with Ease will have your brain processing and retaining more information.

The whole collection is a $2,000 learning package, but it’s available now for only $35, just over $3 per course.


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