Thursday, 2 April 2020

Trump mocks hospitals' 'insatiable appetites' for coronavirus medical supplies

Impeached and manifestly unfit president Donald John Trump took to social media early on Thursday morning to slam health care workers and hospitals who are fighting the coronavirus pandemic, just before jobless numbers were revealed showing that some 10 million Americans filed for unemployment in the last two weeks. Things are going great.

Here is Trump's awful tweet-spew, which was followed by retweets of his son and Brad Parscale, and some insults for the goveror of California:

Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them. The complainers should...

...It wouldn’t matter if you got ten times what was needed, it would never be good enough. Unlike other states, New York unfortunately got off to a late start. You should have pushed harder. Stop complaining & find out where all of these supplies are going. Cuomo working hard!

Somebody please explain to Cryin’ Chuck Schumer that we do have a military man in charge of distributing goods, a very talented Admiral, in fact. New York has gotten far more than any other State, including hospitals & a hospital ship, but no matter what, always complaining.....

And there you have it.



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