Unless you have an RV, spending time in the great outdoors probably means hiking into the wilderness with loads of equipment, setting up a tent, and living off the land. Of course, it’s easier said than done — and seldom as romantic as it seems.
Tents are usually only meant for sleeping, and even then, they aren’t always all that comfortable. But if you’d like to create your own portable living space anywhere you roam with most of the comforts of home, then the Carsule Pop-Up Cabin for your car might be just what you’re looking for.
At less than 3 feet across when packed, the Carsule pops right out of your trunk and attaches directly to vehicles with a swing-up rear tailgate. Popped fully open and with a couple of key aluminum support rods inserted, the Carsule is like adding a 6 square foot rear room to the back of your hatchback, minivan, MPV, SUV, or station wagon. In fact, one person can get the whole structure in place in about 3 to 5 minutes.
The raised door is a key structural support for the Carsule and with ceiling tension lines in place, you won’t get a sagging roof or other structural problems getting in the way of your enjoyment. In addition to 6.5 feet of headroom, the Carsule is waterproof, UV resistant, and with its thick felt carpeting, sturdy enough to withstand the average wear and tear of use.
And unlike a confining tent, the Carsule is sided in mesh, providing panoramic views of your surroundings while also promoting air circulation, but keeping out any creepy crawlies. It’s even big enough for a family of 4 to set up chairs, relax, and enjoy the beauty of nature with none of the hassles.
The Carsule is also modular, so you can attach other Carsule units together to create even larger spaces for you and your fellow adventurers.
Regularly $379, you can get 20 percent off the price of the Carsule Pop-Up Cabin now, bringing your cost down to only $299.99.
Prices are subject to change.