Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Americans are getting fined for goofing off in Canada

The border between Canada and the United States has been closed to everything but essential travel, for some time now. This means that Canadians and Americans can't enter each other's nations in the name of entertainment, tourism or recreation: doing what everyone can to stem the spread of COVID-19 is the right way to go if any of us want to get out of this plague alive. On the Canadian side of things, our border service lets Americans into the country, provided they're traveling for an essential purpose (bringing produce into the country, for example), have no COVID-19 symptoms, and, if they are required to stay in Canada as part of their visit, have a plan to quarantine themselves for 14 days before carrying on their merry way.

Recently, I learned that Americans are also allowed to travel on through to their home or business in Alaska, so long as they take the most direct route to the state and, in an effort to keep COVID-19 from spreading, stay the hell away from everyone else at rest stops and eateries. The majority of those headed north to Alaska have been honoring these conditions. Apparently, there are a few that are not. This past week, a few dickheads who didn't feel that the laws designed to keep us all safe apply to them, got caught.

From The CBC:

Alberta RCMP issued seven tickets to Americans who stopped in Banff National Park to see the sights last week despite rules observed by the Canada Border Services Agency...at least six of the seven tickets issued last week were related to Americans who had stopped for long periods of time to go hiking in Banff National Park. Each of the tickets was issued under the Alberta Health Act at a rate of $1,200 each.

With the current exchange rate, $1,200 Canadian dollars is worth around $890 U.S. greenbacks. Even with this exchange taking the edge off of the fine, that's still gotta sting like hell.

Image via Pikist


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