Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Canada man surprised to find moose in his swimming pool

Ottawa resident Paul Koch was "shocked" to find a moose in his backyard swimming pool Friday morning.

CTV News:

"It's still a mystery to me how she got in the backyard," Koch said. "She'd have to jump a minimum of a five to five-and-a-half-foot fence to do it."

The moose spent several hours swimming around in the pool at the home near Hunt Club Road and Uplands Drive, later moving to the shallow end to stand up...

Police later said the moose had "rejoined its buddies" in the forest.

The moose punched a serious hole in the Kochs' pool lining. But despite the repairs they'll have to make, the Kochs say this was a highlight of their 40 years as homeowners.

screengrab via Ottawa Sun/YouTube

Thanks, Meaghan!


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