Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The Butt Types: a bootyful typographical project for parenthesis in different fonts

Who among us hasn't used a pair of parentheses to draw a butt?

Swedish graphic designer Viktor Hertz has taken this idea one step further with Butt Types, a visual exploration of typographical butt art using 50 different fonts, including:

Adobe Garamond Pro, American Typewriter, Arial, Big Caslon, Bodoni, Calibri, Century Gothic, Comic Sans, Chopin Script, Copperplate, Didot, DIN, Eurostile, Futura, Geneva, Georgia, Helvetica, ITC Benguiat, Joane, Klavika Bold, Lato, Mrs Eaves, Optima, Papyrus, Playfair Display, Steelfish, Times New Roman, Trajan Pro, VAG Rundschrift D and Zapfino.

Butt Types began a year ago as a series of somewhat-viral (or perhaps diarrheal?) Facebook posts; in October of 2019, he tried to launch Kickstart a limited edition Butt Types poster print…but sadly, only got about a third of the way to his funding goal.

I'm a VAG Rundschrift D butt, myself.

Hertz has also experimented with Dick Types and Pussy Types as well, and you can view his full collection of Typornography on Behance.

The Butt Types Poster [Kickstarter]



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