Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Ivanka tells 18 million out-of-work Americans: "Find something new!"

While the limping United States suffers its highest unemployment rate of 11.1% since the Great Recession, with nearly 18 million people out of work, Ivanka Trump offers us some sage advice: "Find something new!"

Oh, right! Of course, why didn't anyone else think of that? And perhaps they can eat some cake while they're at it.

As part of the White House's new strategy to boost morale, they are launching their "Find Something New" campaign today. According to CBS, "The opening ad in the 'Find Something New' campaign beginning Tuesday features ordinary people sharing their stories. A companion website provides links to training and other resources."

But, like everything that comes from this administration, the website providing guidance for these out-of-work Americans appears to be Trump University-style smoke and mirrors.

From Mother Jones:

The campaign’s website, which boasts ties with companies like Apple, reads like a choose-your-own-adventure where options like vague certificate and intensive programs are presented but with scant detail on how to pursue such paths, much less pay for some of them. Click on Apple, for example, and you’re simply rerouted to a page offering free beginner coding courses that surely won’t be enough to even land you an interview with the company. It’s the equivalent of directing someone to Indeed.com, wishing them good luck, and congratulating yourself for helping them in a meaningful way.

But of course most Americans aren't that stupid. From CBS:

The campaign is also facing criticisms of tone deafness given that number of unemployed workers has surged by 12 million since February. Even though the jobless rate has declined to 11.1% in June from a peak of 14.7% in April, it still remains higher than the Great Recession.

Workers who are seeking new employment may struggle to find a job, even if they are willing to try something new. Job listings have slumped almost 6% in the last two weeks, with almost one-third of employers cutting back on job openings since late June, according to a new study from employment site Glassdoor.

Although at the time of posting this the first "Find Something New" spot hasn't yet hit the Internet (but is expected to sometime today), Twitter is already throwing gallows humor its way.

A new President.https://t.co/39ASi8GOR6

— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) July 14, 2020

Image: By Andrea Hanks/Official White House Photo - https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/IMT-photo-1.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=87840565


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