Tuesday, 4 August 2020

A fascinating interview with an artist who designs conspiracy graphics for QAnon and the Deep State Mapping Project

Dylan Louis Monroe is a former fashion designer whose career spans from Marc Jacobs to, uhh, the Deep State Mapping Project, which is a sort of graphic hub for those who are concerned that QAnon is right about 5G causing COVID-19. Here's his official artist bio:

Dylan Louis Monroe is an American artist currently based in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He studied fashion design at Parsons School of Design in New York City, where he later collaborated with several fashion houses  including Marc Jacobs, Hugo Boss, Derek Lam, and Coach.  Since 2014, Dylan has been focused on fine art and its application to his own vision of fashion.  

In 2017, Dylan began the "Deep State Mapping Project" in response to the changing political climate in America.  His "Q-Web" diagram spread virally across the dark web in 2018, becoming a worldwide phenomenon.  It was published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the exhibit “Everything is Connected” in September 2018.

​Dylan is currently the administrator of www.deepstatemappingproject.com, and the Instagram account @dsmp.official.  Lately he has been touring through truth & metaphysical related conventions, speaking and exhibiting the Deep State Mapping Project.

Sam Jaffe Goldstein of the End of the World Review newsletter recently spoke with Monroe about conspiracies and graphic design, and their conversation is genuinely fascinating. Goldstein is careful to note at the top of the interview that he, "disavows all the opinions expressed here; I view this conversation as a fascinating document of our time." And I agree — it's absolutely worth reading, just for the opportunity to take Monroe at his word and try to wrap your head around his perspective. Goldstein asks some probing questions, sure, but he doesn't necessarily try to argue or disprove Monroe's point of view; he just hears it out. While I, too, disavow everything that happens in this conversation, it is undoubtedly an eye-opening look into another human mind.

Q has been around for a few years now; what are the next steps for the movement?

I’d say eighty percent of the information that Q has been talking about has been regarding the change in the political structure that will happen when the Russiagate investigation is turned on the people who instigated it. That means Obamagate, Hillary answering for the crimes she committed in office with her emails; but it’s also the whole satanic Luciferian ritual abuse thing. The whole thing with Q is that there are sealed indictments for all these high level Illuminati players that have been known to be committing human trafficking crimes, and other crimes for decades. Eventually we are going to have to see if Q is just bullshitting us, if these crimes are really going to come to light.

A lot of people already think that some of these perpetrators have already answered for their crimes in secret military tribunals. I think we need public trials and not just military tribunals. If we do justice in secret then there is no evidence justice actually happened. Even if there are body-doubles or clones replacing them in public life, the public needs to know that these people were criminals. I’m not sure we won’t see this until after the election, but if we get a year past the election and don’t something very significant happen. Then people are going to start thinking that Q was just bullshitting. It is going to be interesting to see!

Here's the full interview, or you can check out some more of Monroe's graphic design work below.

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Our 5G awareness flyer has now been translated into Korean! Keep that Samsung in check! Link has been added to our free downloads section of the D.S.M.P. Website. Thank u to Sohyun Park for this beautiful translation!. Still praying that this alarm / warning will be proven wrong & that 5G will be safe, but until we know for sure, better aware & safe than sorry! _____________________________________ •DEEP STATE MAPPING PROJECT• _ Link in bio ✨ for D.S.M.P. SHOP & FREE DOWNLOADS Please support us on PATREON if you enjoy our content! #deepstatemappingproject #greatawakening #Qanon #QMAP #WWG1WGA #followthewhiterabbit #redpill #conspiracy #truther #EarthAlliance #thestorm #draintheswamp #maga #5G #SpaceForce #COVID19 ‪#CORONAVIRUS #blacklivesmatter #5Grollout ‬ 5G accounts: @5g_awareness @burn.5G @stop5gdeathtowers @5g_kills @transcendtowers @wireless_health_risks

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Lets cram as much info as possible into one post. Quarantine boredom getting to u? Each word here is keyword to research online that will blow your mind if u dont already know. Too small to read? 2/4 of these are Free downloads on the Link in my Bio. The others can be downloaded from my Patreon page for a 1$ donation. Confused about the Great Awakening map? I didnt make that shit! The GA map is a counterfeit version of mine that is a glorified promotion of Cory Goode, and likely a Deep State creation. The Q-Key just got an update. Be well loved ones. In order: Q-Key / Healing Web / Cult of Baal / Energy Map / Traitors & Alliances Map. Oh! AND we have posters of these too! Link in bio✨ _____________________________________ •DEEP STATE MAPPING PROJECT• _ Link in bio ✨ for D.S.M.P. SHOP & FREE DOWNLOADS Please support us on PATREON if you enjoy our content! #deepstatemappingproject #greatawakening #Qanon #QWEB #QMAP #WWG1WGA #followthewhiterabbit #redpill #conspiracy #truther #EarthAlliance #thestorm #draintheswamp #maga #5G #SpaceForce #godspeed ‪#gammaQ #newtemplars‬ ‪#oritbcodex‬ #ΓQcodexii ‪#pleiadians‬ ‪#ashtarcommand‬ ‪#galacticfederation‬ #lightcodes ‪#galacticpatriotalliance ‬#covid19 #coronavirus #bored

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Dec. 2nd 2019 marks the launch of America's first nationwide 5G network, radiating more than 200 million people and more than 5,000 cities and towns all across the country. We are letting T-mobile, Verizon, AT&T and everyone building these towers know that WE DO NOT CONSENT. What gives them the right to contaminate the airwaves across our private property? Their plan is to turn the whole nation into a giant millimeter wave body scanner, like you'd find at an airport security checkpoint. And we thought those were bad! We all know radiation is NOT good for physical or mental health, so why is this being permitted? If we can stream YouTube with 4G, what is the point of 5G. Extermination? This is no different than chemical companies dumping their waste into public water sources, and giving cancer to millions. How have you felt since Monday? _____________________________________ •DEEP STATE MAPPING PROJECT• _ Link in bio ✨ for D.S.M.P. SHOP & FREE DOWNLOADS Please support us on PATREON if you enjoy our content! #deepstatemappingproject #greatawakening #Qanon #QWEB #QMAP #WWG1WGA #redpill #conspiracy #truther #EarthAlliance #thestorm #draintheswamp #maga #5G #Tmobile #5Gnetwork ‪#gammaQ #newtemplars‬ ‪#oritbcodex‬ #ΓQcodexii ‪#pleiadians‬ ‪#ashtarcommand‬ ‪#galacticfederation‬ #lightcodes ‪#galacticpatriotalliance ‬#godsaveus

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