Thursday, 13 August 2020

Fluster is the social card game that can immediately make game night unforgettable

After a successful round of funding on Kickstarter, Fluster: The Social Card Game is now ready to help turn a party or game night into the engaging, surprising, and enlightening social affair you always hoped it would be.

A deck of 100 cards, Fluster is chock full of unusual, funny, and thought-provoking questions inspired to spark unforgettable conversations that lead to hilarious stories, deeper connections, and unexpected insights into all the players.

At the size of standard playing cards, the Fluster deck is perfect for parties, dinners, or even first dates. You start learning a lot more about someone when you hear their answer to questions like "How do you think your exes would describe you?" "What was your first impression of the person to your left?" or "What's something you wish more people understood about you?"

The deck is also sprinkled with special cards that can kick open a topic to the entire group or even flip the question back on the asker. Each game takes its own uncharted course — and you might even find the group talking for a while before you remember you're all still playing the game.

Unspoken thoughts surface, feelings that often don't get expressed become central conversation, and unexplored areas of each of our lives all become fair game in this eyebrow-raising exercise.

Fluster could even be the answer for those who don't think they like to play games, since it's really more about conversation than gameplay. Of course, there's also ample opportunity to turn Fluster into a truly epic drinking game as well, so the possibilities are endless.

Regularly $35, you can save $10 off the price of the Fluster Social Card Game and pick up a set for only $24.99.

Prices are subject to change.

Do you have your stay-at-home essentials? Here are some you may have missed.


FLUSTER: The Social Card Game – $24.99

Play the game for $24.99


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