Monday, 24 August 2020

Smokeless S'mores (for a wildfire world)

My pal Brody Q just dropped off some unusual, but delicious, treats to my doorstep, a box of her homemade gourmet "s'mores." Unlike traditional s'mores these are made without a campfire, a sort of culinary response to the climate crisis.

She writes:

Lapsang souchong (smoky tea) marshmallows dipped in dark chocolate and gluten-free graham crackers. I'm calling it "smokeless s'mores for a wildfire world" since California's on fire like always this time of year, and it's probably not a good idea to have campfires right now.

She shared the marshmallow recipe she used with me and wrote that she "bloomed the gelatin in strong lapsang souchong… And… soaked more tea leaves in the vanilla before adding to the marshmallow-fluff. Then dipped in chocolate and then cronched-up grahams."

photo by Rusty Blazenhoff


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