Monday, 14 September 2020

Fox News poll finds Biden leads Trump on "mental soundness"

In an election season featuring two septuagenarians and a week where Donald Trump (in his self-incriminating way) accused rival Joe Biden of taking performance-enhancing drugs, it stands to reason that "mental soundness" would end up a question on polls. Fox News found that Biden leads Trump on "mental soundness" by four points, reflecting his five-point lead in voting intentions.

The survey of likely 1,191 likely voters found that 51% believe that Biden "has the mental soundness to serve as president." Only 47% of likely voters told Fox News that President Trump has the "mental soundness" to be commander-in-chief. The current president has made his mental stability a cornerstone of his campaign. The same voters preferred the compassion of Biden over Trump, 62% to 44%, the poll found.


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