Friday, 11 September 2020

Here comes Santa Claus… in a face mask, the ornament

Here's a glimpse of Covid-Christmas, a glittery ornament of Santa Claus in a face mask ($21.99). It's made by Old World Christmas, a company that specializes in higher-end handblown glass ornaments. On their blog, they also promise two other coronavirus-inspired ornaments:

2020 has been a wild ride however you slice it. Our most anticipated releases are already selling like crazy to our wholesale vendors. By November, our three Covid-19 ornaments will be available on our website, and these cannot be missed. Santa is masking up with a sparkle in his eyes, a commemorative roll of 2020 Toilet Paper will never run out, and our hands have never been cleaner with a few squirts of Hand Sanitizer. It's a year that will be impossible to forget, but should be commemorated with one of these special ornaments. These three and the rest of the entire mid-year collection will be released by November, right in time for holiday shopping.

image via Traditions


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